13.05.2009 Fender Strat® Special HSS Floyd Rose (USA) v barvě Vintage White. Tuto kytaru jsem koupil v roce 2001 přímo z továrny Fender v USA. Fender® American Special Strat® HSS with Floyd Rose® Tremolo - widest variety of tones in a strat. A recently designed Fender DH-1® humbucker with Fender-spaced pole pieces, plus two Fender American Modern single-coils. Genuine original Floyd Rose locking tremolo. Alder body, one-piece maple neck, vintage machine heads, 22 medium-jumbo frets, one volume and two tone controls, 5-way switch, white/black/white pickguard. Made in USA z kategorie American Deluxe nikoliv standard model. The American Special Series byla vyráběna přímo v legendární továrně Fender v Corona, California (USA) a je vlastně jakýmsi průsečíkem mezi tradiční a moderní technologií pro ty hráče, kteří chtějí širok
ou variabilitu celkového zvuku i barvy tónu. The DH-1's magnetic pole pieces na humbuckeru jsou tvarovány pro lepší balanci zvuku strun a snímač tak nabízí celou škálu zvuků od brilantně čistého až po pěkně tlustý a plný zkreslený alá overdrive či distortion. Typický stratovský sound a design to vše doplněno komfortem originálního tremola Floyd Rose s jemným dolaďováním na kobylce a tradičními zámky strun namísto nultého pražce, to vše podpořeno klasickou ladící mechanikou Fender/G
otoh® Vintage Style. V třívrstvém bílo/černo/bílém pickguardu jsou osazeny originální American single coil pickups, které znějí skvěle a doplněny Fender spaced fullsize humbuckerem DH-1, dělají z tohoto Stratu opravdového univerzálního "killera", který nabízí hráčům všechny zvukové možnosti stratovského soundu od twangu po extrémní tóny. Jedná se o nevšedně variabilní stratocaster s úžasným čistým i zkresleným zvukem včetně hi-gain soundu! Tento stratocaster je v bezchybné kondici, hraj
e a zní skvěle a dokonce i při hře na "sucho", tedy bez aparátu zní vždy velmi jasně a hlasitě s dlouhým, přirozeným sustainem a ideálně vyváženým zvukovým poměrem mezi basy - středy - výšky. Tón tohoto stratocasteru je vždy jasný a dobře srozumitelný. Kytara je přesně seřízena – ideální dohmat – perfektní intonace - ladí ve všech polohách – žádný fret buzzing. Skvěle řemeslně zpracovaný one-piece maple krk – pražce medium jumbo (stav 100%) - kytara bez
vlků a kompromisů! Profil javorového krku je modern "C" s ideální rádiusem a skvělou hratelností v celé délce 22 pražců. Pražce jsou osazeny přímo v jedno kusém javorovém krku, tedy žádný přidaný hmatník. Celý krk z výběrového javoru je přirozeně – vintage nažloutlý a tedy velmi rozdílný od světlých krků používaných v současnosti na aktuálních modelech kytar firmy Fender. Podrobná technická specifikace tohoto nástroje je na konci této stránky. Celkově je toto velmi univerzální stratocaster a rozhodně kytara pro náročné! Opravdový "high-end" Stratocaster z kategorie DeLuxe - Serial Number: DZO258877 ( DZ0 + 5 or 6 digits je značení pro Am.Deluxe ). Doporučuji k nahlédnutí detailní fota tohoto nástroje v přiložené fotogalerii.
Here is a really, really nice “high-end” American made special Strat that was made in 2001. Fender® American Special Strat® HSS with Floyd Rose® Tremolo - widest variety of tones in a strat. A recently designed Fender DH-1® humbucker with Fender-spaced pole pieces, plus two Fender American Modern single-coils. Genuine original Floyd Rose locking tremolo. Alder body, one-piece maple neck, vintage machine heads, 22 medium-jumbo frets, one volume and two tone controls, 5-way switch, white/black/white pickguard. Made in USA. The American Special Series included Stratocasters with features that span the bridge between traditional and modern technology, either in specifications, design or both. Fender American Special series models were made in Corona, California (USA) for players who want to access a wide variety of extreme tones. The DH-1's magnetic pole pieces are Fender-spaced for proper string balance. Beautiful, chimy cleans, and thick full overdrive to distortion. This guitar is in Great overall condition. No big scratches or dents anywhere. This one really plays and sounds awesome. Even unplugged it has nice resonance and great sustain. Body is made of Premium Alder, the neck is maple, true one piece maple. The ultimate in high-performance, this Strat has a smooth neck with hand-rolled edges to make it play fast, smooth, and sweet. The neck is perfectly straight and the frets have no wear. Neck size and shape is also medium, not too big or too little. The frets are put right into the neck, there is no seperate "fret board" thats attatched to the neck. It's the pretty yellow maple too, not the cheap maple found on guitars of lesser quality. Professionally set up for 10's, the action is low and fast. This is one of guitars I've ever owned that I did not compromise on anything. For the versatility alone, it blows away tons of other guitars. It does all styles really nice. Great vintage tones on the single coils, like any American Strat, with some extra kick in the bridge! I also own other strats more traditional ones and this guitar rocks.
MODEL NAME: Fender Strat Special HSS with Locking Tremolo
SN: DZO258877
MODEL NUMBER:SERIES: American Special Series110-6500
COLORS: (741) Vintage White, (Polyurethane Finish)
BODY: Comfort Contured Alder Body
NECK: 1-Piece Maple, Modern “C” Shape, (Satin Polyur/Finish)
MACHINE HEADS: Fender/Gotoh® Vintage Style Tuning Machines
FINGERBOARD: Maple (p/n 110-6502), 9.5” Radius ( 241 mm)
NO. OF FRETS: 22 Medium Jumbo Frets
PICKUPS: 2x American Strat Single-Coil Pickups
1x Fender DH-1 (Fender Spaced) Humbucker (Bridge)
CONTROLS: Master Volume
Tone 1. (Neck and Middle Pickups)
Tone 2 (BridgePickup)
BRIDGE: Floyd Rose® Original Double Locking 2-Point Tremolo
PICKUP SWITCHING: 5-Position Blade, Special Switching:
Position 1. Full Bridge Humbucking Pickup (Lead Tone Control)
Position 2. Middle Pickup and Front Coil of Bridge Humbucker(Rhytm.Lead)
Position 3. Middle Pickup (Rhythm Tone Control)
Position 4. Neck and Middle Pickup (Rhythm Tone Control)
Position 5. Neck Pickup (Rhythm Tone Control)
STRINGS: D´Addario EXL110 (.010 - .046)
CASE: Standard Molded Case SKB USA
SCALE LENGTH: 25.5” ( 648 mm)
WIDTH AT NUT: Floyd Rose® Locking Nut, 1.650” ( 42 mm)
UNIQUE FEATURES: Floyd Rose® Locking Nut
Here is a really, really nice “high-end” American made special Strat that was made in 2001. Fender® American Special Strat® HSS with Floyd Rose® Tremolo - widest variety of tones in a strat. A recently designed Fender DH-1® humbucker with Fender-spaced pole pieces, plus two Fender American Modern single-coils. Genuine original Floyd Rose locking tremolo. Alder body, one-piece maple neck, vintage machine heads, 22 medium-jumbo frets, one volume and two tone controls, 5-way switch, white/black/white pickguard. Made in USA. The American Special Series included Stratocasters with features that span the bridge between traditional and modern technology, either in specifications, design or both. Fender American Special series models were made in Corona, California (USA) for players who want to access a wide variety of extreme tones. The DH-1's magnetic pole pieces are Fender-spaced for proper string balance. Beautiful, chimy cleans, and thick full overdrive to distortion. This guitar is in Great overall condition. No big scratches or dents anywhere. This one really plays and sounds awesome. Even unplugged it has nice resonance and great sustain. Body is made of Premium Alder, the neck is maple, true one piece maple. The ultimate in high-performance, this Strat has a smooth neck with hand-rolled edges to make it play fast, smooth, and sweet. The neck is perfectly straight and the frets have no wear. Neck size and shape is also medium, not too big or too little. The frets are put right into the neck, there is no seperate "fret board" thats attatched to the neck. It's the pretty yellow maple too, not the cheap maple found on guitars of lesser quality. Professionally set up for 10's, the action is low and fast. This is one of guitars I've ever owned that I did not compromise on anything. For the versatility alone, it blows away tons of other guitars. It does all styles really nice. Great vintage tones on the single coils, like any American Strat, with some extra kick in the bridge! I also own other strats more traditional ones and this guitar rocks.
MODEL NAME: Fender Strat Special HSS with Locking Tremolo
SN: DZO258877
MODEL NUMBER:SERIES: American Special Series110-6500
COLORS: (741) Vintage White, (Polyurethane Finish)
BODY: Comfort Contured Alder Body
NECK: 1-Piece Maple, Modern “C” Shape, (Satin Polyur/Finish)
MACHINE HEADS: Fender/Gotoh® Vintage Style Tuning Machines
FINGERBOARD: Maple (p/n 110-6502), 9.5” Radius ( 241 mm)
NO. OF FRETS: 22 Medium Jumbo Frets
PICKUPS: 2x American Strat Single-Coil Pickups
1x Fender DH-1 (Fender Spaced) Humbucker (Bridge)
CONTROLS: Master Volume
Tone 1. (Neck and Middle Pickups)
Tone 2 (BridgePickup)
BRIDGE: Floyd Rose® Original Double Locking 2-Point Tremolo
PICKUP SWITCHING: 5-Position Blade, Special Switching:
Position 1. Full Bridge Humbucking Pickup (Lead Tone Control)
Position 2. Middle Pickup and Front Coil of Bridge Humbucker(Rhytm.Lead)
Position 3. Middle Pickup (Rhythm Tone Control)
Position 4. Neck and Middle Pickup (Rhythm Tone Control)
Position 5. Neck Pickup (Rhythm Tone Control)
STRINGS: D´Addario EXL110 (.010 - .046)
CASE: Standard Molded Case SKB USA
SCALE LENGTH: 25.5” ( 648 mm)
WIDTH AT NUT: Floyd Rose® Locking Nut, 1.650” ( 42 mm)
UNIQUE FEATURES: Floyd Rose® Locking Nut
Náhledy fotografií ze složky Fender American Special Strat HSS with Floyd Rose